
What my boyfriend wore is a fashion diary with a difference.

My girlfriend at the time loved documenting my outfits and started putting them up on Instagram, it became so popular that I started this blog. Now, it’s all about fashion for normal men.

Here you will find the where, what and how of mens style as well as the fun finds of living a gentleman’s life on the tip of Africa!

Got any questions? Drop me a mail at [email protected]

Or follow me on twitter and facebook for random thoughts and lots of give aways!

GWC_8689Photos courtesy of Andrew Brauteseth 


44 thoughts on “About

  1. The style in this blog is right up my alley. Any help on where to shop for this kind of look would be appreciated.


  2. Would you be able to make your homemade wmbw lapel pins for purchase. I would be interested in one. Those things are amazing. Thanks.

  3. Hey Guys,

    I am a Sydney based Men’s Fashion blogger delivery different style and trends to gents all around the world. I have been trying to email you guys about a post on instagram but im afriad it tells me your email is invalid. I was just wondering if you guys could send through an email regarding this post to start from there.

    kind Regards
    Hass Murad


  4. Your blog has inspired me to develop my initial ideas, hopefully I could gauge your perspective sir.

  5. Thank you for getting back to me so swiftly. I was hoping I could contact through email so I could attach some of the plans I had constructed and gauge your response that way. Thanks Again, your blog has inspired me to follow this path.

  6. i love the site sooo much…..just curious who is the boyfriend? But ur style is just too Dapper..

  7. Hi,

    Admire your blog and concepts on IG.. would love to send you complimentary bottles of our new fragrance line. Please email me where to send them to and if your like them feel free to feauture us sometime.Thank you and have a great day.


  8. all the way from Jakarta, Indonesia, i’d like to shout out : GREAT BLOG! :))
    I love it. And your IG too. My inspiration to dress my husband up.
    Keep on shining, sir!

  9. Good evening

    I was curious to ask whether or not you sell full outfits online to ship to South Africa or England?

  10. Good morning
    Dope Blog!
    Need your help please….Where in Cape Town will I be able to get cool Lapel Pins & Pockets squares….Nic Harry are pretty dope however are there any more stores I could check out.

  11. Hello Sergio! I’m a huge fan of your styles and I’m willing purchase your looks directly from you! I’ll be sending you an email as well so we can discuss a fair compensation for your outfits. Please check email my friend.

    Thank You!

  12. Hi Sergio,

    I just wanted to say what an avid follower I am of your great social media pages and website. Your style is a true inspiration and I would love to collaborate with you for the launch of a new British lifestyle watch brand. What is the best address to email you?

    Best Regards,


  13. Hello, just out of curiosity, do you have any training in the fashion industry? Or have you done any collaborations with well known designers?

  14. Just stumbled onto your blog today, oh my God I love it and I’m not even a guy. Well done, your style is impeccable!!!

    1. Hi Ntando!! I was just going through some comments and can’t believe I missed this one…and for so long!! Anyway, better late than never right! Thank you so much for the kind words! Here’s hoping you’re still enjoying it!

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